Thursday, December 8, 2011

30 Day Shred - Day 7

Yay, I just completed my first week of this workout/weight loss program!!!  I'm so excited and quite disappointed, at the same time.  I'm proud of myself for what I've done, but also disappointed that I only got 4 1/2 workouts in.  Especially when each workout is only about 20 minutes or so.  It really is hard to juggle a family, work, fitness, a social life and everything else one has on their plate.  I know I shouldn't be so hard on myself, but it's hard.  I really am trying to change the way I think, though, I promise :0)

Well, I wasn't sure if it was going to happen or not, but I did manage to get my workout in today.  I didn't get to it until after 10pm, but I did it and that's what counts.  Even with as tired as I was, I KILLED the workout, other than the jump roping and push-ups.  I just have very little upper body strength, so the push-ups are difficult for me, also, the jump rope is rough on my calves.  I'm just not used to using my legs like that.  My calves usually start to burn after about 20 seconds of jumping.  Both exercises are getting a lot easier, though.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

30 Day Shred - Day 6

I have no idea what is going on lately.  Jocelyn slept in, again.  Normally, I would be celebrating this, however, she's my alarm clock.  So, when she sleeps in, I sleep in.  When she woke me up, I quickly got up, gave her a drink and breakfast, changed into my workout clothes and turned my video on.  I got a little more than a third into my workout before Gabriel woke up.  I paused the DVD and ran to the back room to get him.  I sat him down on the couch with some of his toys and tried to continue my workout.  He was okay with it UNTIL I started on some crunches.  I'm not sure why, but he DID NOT like that.  He kept shaking his head and yelling "no, no, no!".  Needless to say, I only got halfway through my workout.  I was actually doing really good, too.  I'm surprised with how much easier things are getting.  I can get deeper into my movements and I'm not getting winded during the cardio anymore.  It really shows just how out of shape I really was/am.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What a Difference

I've been trying to figure out when do my weigh ins and updates on my measurements.  I thought about doing a weekly weigh in and just post my "after" measurements when the program is over.  Then, "anal retentive" Katie came out.  If I did my weigh ins on Thursdays, then I would be weighing myself of the 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and the 29th.  "Wait that would only be 29 days.   Should I skip the 29th and just do all my measurements for the week on the 30th?"  My mind swirled with worry.  I know, it's ridiculous!  To put this much thought into when to get on a scale, is just mind numbing.  I'm sorry, I just can't help it.  My mind is just funny like that.  Anyway, I came to the decision that I will go ahead and do a weigh in and take my measurements on the 11th, 21st and the 31st.  Why did I pick these days, you might ask?  Good question.  The 30 Day Shred DVD has 3 different workouts on it.  I have been doing level 1 all week and will start level 2 on the 11th, and I will start level 3 on the 21st.  I thought it would just make sense to do my measurements as I end one level and move to the next.  Again, I know I'm crazy for putting this much thought into all of this, but I'm pretty sure you're a bit nuts to have read this, haha.

Anyway, now that I've got all of that straightened out, I just wanted to say that I can already see and feel a difference in my body.  My muscles feel tighter and stronger.  I'm getting deeper in my squats and lunges (my daughter even noticed a difference in my movements, again she's 4, almost 5).  I, also, feel more held in, or something like that.  Before, I used to feel like I was spilling out and jiggling everywhere.  Now, I just feel firmer.  It's hard to explain.  Like I've said before, I still have a long way to go, but it feels GREAT to know that things are changing.  I can't wait to see how I look and feel at the end of this!

30 Day Shred - Day 5

I'm really disappointed in myself because I never got around to working out on Monday.  Baby girl slept in which means that I slept in.  She is my little alarm clock, after all.  Gabe woke up while I was cleaning up breakfast, so that threw the rest of my day off.  It's hard enough to workout with Jocelyn running around, but it's pretty much impossible with Gabe.  Since I had to work 1-9, I decided to spend the morning cleaning and hanging with the kids.  I was hoping to get my workout in after work, but the kids were still up when I got home.  I didn't get them in bed until well after 10.  By that time, it was no use.  Hopefully, I can get back on track soon.

Monday, December 5, 2011

30 Day Shred - Day 4

I had yet another busy day on Sunday, however, I did manage to squeeze a workout in during Gabriel's afternoon nap.

I woke up Sunday morning feeling pretty pretty good.  I was still tired because Gabe woke up really early, but I wasn't really that sore.  I tried to bring him to bed with me because I was hoping to get a bit more sleep, but he wasn't having it.  So, we headed out to the living room, instead.  I put on a movie and we snuggled up on the couch together.  It felt so good to have some alone time with my little man, since I had had such a busy weekend and didn't get to see him that much.  Unfortunately, I got a little to comfy and fell asleep.  The next thing I know, I'm waking up to a loud crash.  Gabe had gotten a hold of an empty wine glass that hubs had left out and he smashed it on the table.  Thank god it was a clean break and seemed to be contained to the small table.  Of course, the noise was loud enough to wake Jocelyn up, so she came out to see what was going on.  Gabe still had no interest in snuggling, but Joss sure came through for me.  We watched a few Christmas movies.  Well, she watched.  I kept dosing off.  We had a nice lazy morning, but things picked up after lunch.

I put Gabriel down for his nap around noon.  After Jocelyn had her lunch, I had her help me clean the living room, so that I could workout.  She, again, decided to exercise with me.  I was so excited because I had so much fun last time.  However, she got tired after a few minutes and then quite.  While I was doing my first set of crunches, she told me she was going to play a new game.  She then started to yell at me.  "Keep going!  Up down up down!"  I didn't understand what was going on, so I kinda laughed at her.  She responded with "Do you think this is funny?  Working out is NOT funny!  This is serious!  You're not working hard enough!  Move you're booty!"  I stopped for a moment and just looked at her with my mouth hanging open.  She must have seen my confusion because she quickly explained that she's being "that woman on the TV" pointing to Jillian Michaels.  Baby girl watches a lot of Biggest Loser with me, so she's seen Jillian at her best/worst.  I have to say, Joss sure kicked my ass.  As my friend, Connie said, "maybe she's got a future in personal training."

The workout, itself, was a lot easier this time around.  The things that are killing me the most are the jump roping and jumping jacks (my calves are killing me) and the push ups (I have very little upper body strength and my arms get tired really fast).

After the workout and Gabe's nap, I took the kids to my Grandma-in-law's for her annual Christmas tree decorating party.  I absolutely LOVE Grandma Wean!  She's one of the sweetest ladies I've ever met.  I was a little disappointed because 3 of the younger cousins weren't there, and Jocelyn and Gabe were really looking forward to seeing them, but we still had a lot of fun.  We got the tree and other decorations up in no time, with all the help we had, visited a bit and then had dinner together.  Dinner smelled fantastic!  Grandma made one of my favorite meals from when I ate meat...bbq pulled pork.  My mouth is watering, just thinking about it, however, the thought of eating it makes me sick to my stomach.  Weird!  I did have a wonderful salad for dinner, and that's really all I needed.  Shortly after dinner, Gabe started to get a bit cranky, so we had to pack up and leave.  We were there for a little over 4 hours, but it didn't feel like it at all.  As a gift for helping her decorate, Grandma got each family a beautiful poinsettia plant.  I enjoyed the rest of my night with the kids and we all made it to bed pretty early, which was spectacular.

Sorry, I feel like I babbled quite a bit on this one, but I just couldn't stop...I had such a GREAT weekend that I just want to share everything :0)

30 Day Shred - Day 3

 I decided to take Saturday off, for several reasons.

This is a picture of my friend Connie (left) and me (right).
First of all, I could hardly walk in the morning.  Part of the reason is that I went to a party Friday night, I drank a lot (for me at least), managed to get home and get 4 hours of sleep, and then had to be at work at 7 am.  However, it was mostly due to the workouts I had on Thursday and Friday.  Being this sore hurts like hell, but it's kinda nice.  I feel so accomplished when I'm sore like this.  I also love the thought that my body is changing!  I know I just began, but my muscles already feel different.

This is another picture of Connie and I.  I have some serious mixed emotions about this picture.  First of all, it's hilarious because the party was a lot of fun and I can still hear Connie's drunken voice from the conversation.  However, it disgusts me because I don't realize how bad I look until I see pictures.  This was a serious reality check for me.  I MUST GET RID OF MY EXTRA CHINS!!!  Among other things.
Second, like I already said, I had to be at work at 7 am.  I could have worked out before coming in, however, I thought sleep would be a better option.  Especially since I wasn't going to get much to begin with.  I didn't want to push myself or body too hard.  I know sleep is very important in the healing process and thought I'd go that route.  I have to say, I actually put a lot of thought into this decision.  I hated taking the day off on the 3rd day, but felt like I had a real reason.  I wasn't just being lazy.

Next, after work, I only had about 2 1/2 hours with my family until I had to meet a friend for dinner.  I thought about sneaking a quick workout in, but I thought the family time was more important.  I left for work around 12:30 on Friday afternoon, went from work to the party, from the party to bed, from bed to work and didn't get home until about 1:15 Saturday afternoon.  That's a long time for me to be without my kids.  When I finally got home, I was so heartbroken because I could just tell that the kids missed me like crazy.  I felt so selfish for going out and leaving them.  However, I do, now, realize the importance of having a social life.  I am a completely different person since I started going out.  I have hope and dreams and thoughts of a future, again.

Finally, I didn't get home from dinner and coffee until 10pm.  Seriously?  We talked for 6 hours?  I have NO idea where the time went, but that happens when you have great company and conversation.  Anyway, by the time I got home, I was so exhausted from the busy 2 days that I had and sore as can be from working out and from sitting in a very hard, uncomfortable chair for so long.  I crawled into bed, turned on the tv, relaxed a bit and then passed out.

All in all, I had a fantastic weekend!

I'm Back

It really was my intention to blog daily or as close to that as possible, but I've been a bit side tracked the past few days.  I actually had a rather busy weekend, which was great.  Don't worry though, while I slacked on the writing aspect of this, I'm still kicking ass on the workouts.  I have 4 half written posts and will work on getting those finished and posted today.

Friday, December 2, 2011

30 Day Shred - Day 2

Jocelyn, my 4 year old, woke me up around 8:15 demanding breakfast and cartoons.  I woke up feeling exhausted, even though I had gotten a little over 8 hours of sleep.  Waking up tired is, unfortunately, normal for me, so I didn't think anything of it.  I felt fine other than that.  It wasn't until I attempted to roll from my stomach to my back that I realized how sore I actually was.

"That's it, I'm taking the day off.  I'll just work out tomorrow.  That is, of course, if I'm not too sore" I thought to myself.

"One day?  You could only stick with this for one day?  Seriously?  Get your ass up!  Now!  You KNOW that you will keep making excuses, if you don't get up!" my conscience replied.

I continued to argue with myself for a bit until I heard "GET UP!  I SAID I WANT BREAKFAST!  Pleeeeeaaaaase get out of bed mom-mom."  My daughter was still standing in the doorway waiting for me.  She had her hands on her hips and she was giving me this terrible look of disappointment.  THAT was all the motivation I needed.  I am, for the most part, doing this for her, and her younger brother, after all.  I immediately jumped out of bed.  I cringed at the pain, however, I managed to keep the scream bottled up.  I limped to my dresser, pulled out my workout clothes and carefully changed.  I then hobbled out to the living room to have the daily breakfast "fight" with my little girl.  "No, I'm sorry, you cannot have cookies for breakfast...or candy!"

"Well, can I have shredded cheese in a bowl?"

"For breakfast?  No, that's more of a snack."

"Fine, I'll just have a snack then!"

"No, you're not going to have a snack!  You're going to eat breakfast, now.  You can have a snack later!"

"Fine!  I'll just have toast!  WITH SUGAR!!!"

"Ahhhhh!  I HATE breakfast!"  I thought to myself.  Is there really that much of a difference between a couple pieces of toast, smeared with Country Crock and sprinkled with cinnamon sugar and an oatmeal raisin cookie?  What about a Pop Tart and a piece of cake?  Or a doughnut and...well, you get the point.  I grunted, accepted my defeat and made her some toast with sugar.  I did, however, stand strong and gave her plain milk rather than the chocolate milk she had asked for.  I'm counting that as a win for me.  Also, she had to wait until my workout was done before I turned her cartoons on.  I'll take that as another, I take what I can get.

Anyway, I firmly explained that I had made sure she had food and a drink and that if she needed ANYTHING else she had to wait until I was done working out.  I started the DVD, turned to Joss to see if there were going to be any objections, and then started my workout.

OMG, my arms were so heavy.  And my legs just burned with pain.  My arms were shaking with every pushup.  Each squat, lunge, jump and movement, in general, made me want to quit.  Just as I was getting ready to throw in the towel, Jocelyn asked if she could workout with me.  I started to say no, but changed my mind.  Again, I'M DOING THIS FOR HER!!!  I couldn't let her see me give up.  It was so cute watching her try and do the exercises.  It was also nice to share the experience with her.  I don't want the kids to hate my workouts.  I don't want my workouts to get between us.  Her encouragement and sweet smile took my pain away and got me through to the end. She is one special girl and I am one lucky mom.  Until, of course, the pain from the workout comes back, haha.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


The other night, while hubs and the kiddos were sleeping, I was enjoying the silence of the night.  While I miss the sleep, sometimes it's nice to have alone time, and, often, I have to stay up late to get that.  Anyway, I was evaluating my life and trying to work somethings out that I'm struggling with and it occurred to me that I can't make the changes I long for until I change my thinking.  I've been told that I'm not good enough, one way or another, for as long as I can remember.  I've let people take advantage of me and my kindness for far too long.  I've put others needs and happiness above my own.  I've taken care of everyone else and neglected myself.  I did and continue to do all this because I don't seem to think that I deserve any better.  For some reason its easier to believe the bad things people say than the good. This way of thinking is the reason I have put on so much weight over the past 8 or 9 years, and the reason I fail to meet any of my weight loss goals.

Now that I know what I need to do, how do I do it?  How do I tell myself that I deserve happiness, if I don't fully believe it?  How do I go about believing it?  How can I see past my own flaws, when that's all I've seen for 20 some years?  Well, I'm pretty sure that I have to figure this out for myself, but it would be great if someone out there had an answer for me. 

In writing this, I have discovered that I've already, unknowingly, made the first step.  Within the past few months, I have been surrounding myself with positive people.  It's amazing what a change that alone can make.  I see things differently when I'm not bombarded by negativity at every turn.  I'm happier than I have been in YEARS. Another thing that JUST occurred to me is that I usually get really down this time of year.  However, this year is different.  I get down from time to time, but nothing like I used to.  I still have a long way to go, but it's nice to see that I'm on the right track.

30 Day Shred - Day 1

With Christmas and my 30th Birthday around the corner, I decided to start the 30 Day Shred program to try and keep me on track.  I've started this program a few times, but never made it through a full week.  I am motivated to stick with it this time, and will, hopefully, document my experience.  I have a hard time finishing anything that I start, and I'm hoping, by putting myself, my weight and measurements out there, that I will actually make it through the 30 days.

Well, I can't believe I'm doing this, but here I go...

  • Weight:  190 lbs
  • Neck:    14.5"
  • Chest:    44"
  • Waist:    37"
  • Hip:       44"
  • Thigh:    27"
  • Bicep:   15"
  • BMI:     33.65
 Clothing size:  XL-XXL or 14-16, depending on the make

A few notes on what I just posted.  At my smallest I...

  • weighed 110 lbs
  • had a BMI of 19.48
  • wore a juniors size 1-2
  • had trouble keeping my Dickies shorts on that I wore mountain biking, a size 28.
  • could, easily, wrap my fingers around my wrist and my fingers would overlap by quite a bit

My current goals...

  1. Complete my 30 Day Shred challenge, obviously.
  2. Lose 21 pounds.  I haven't seen the 160's in a long time and that would be a huge step for me.  Also, even though I do not believe in the BMI system (another post for another day), it would be nice to be overweight rather than obese by those standards.  Especially since my doctors do look at BMI.
  3. Get into single digit sizes.
Ultimate goals...

  1. Weigh 125 pounds
  2. Be happy with who I am.

Well, I know that is a lot of data, but I just really felt like it was time that I got it out there.  I need to stop hiding and be honest with myself.  I plan on doing a weekly weigh in and do monthly measurements.  Since I started on the 1st of the month, that should be easier for me to keep track of.

Oh, I almost forgot to go over the first workout.  Silly me!  Well, I did not want to get out of bed this morning and almost put off day 1 until tomorrow or next week or next month, haha.  My daughter and I were laying in bed this morning watching Wubbulous World of Dr Seuss and it just hit me...I CAN'T KEEP MAKING EXCUSES!  I will never get anywhere if I don't start moving.  I want to be a positive influence on my children.  I need to show them how to live a healthy lifestyle.  And I need to make those changes NOW while they are still young.  I got out of bed so quickly that I startled my little girl.  I changed my clothes, moved some furniture and told myself that I was going to complete the workout NO MATTER WHAT.  Well, to my surprise, the workout wasn't as hard as it was in the past.  I was hot and tired by the end of it, but I definitely didn't feel like I was going to die after 30 seconds of jumping jacks, which is a huge improvement.  It's been almost a years since I last attempted this challenge, however I've done a lot, well, a lot for me, in that time.  I've worked out at the gym, I've walked and jogged with my kids in the stroller, and I ran/jogged a 5k.  It was just really nice to see that I have made some positive changes and that my body is stronger because of it.  The 20 minute workout was over quickly and I actually thought about doing it a second time.  Its funny how we change, haha.  I'm feeling pretty good now.  I'm a little fatigued, but I've had a lot of late nights and early mornings and I'm overwhelmed with a lot of things right now, so it may not be from the workout.  I'm interested to see how I feel tomorrow.