Friday, December 2, 2011

30 Day Shred - Day 2

Jocelyn, my 4 year old, woke me up around 8:15 demanding breakfast and cartoons.  I woke up feeling exhausted, even though I had gotten a little over 8 hours of sleep.  Waking up tired is, unfortunately, normal for me, so I didn't think anything of it.  I felt fine other than that.  It wasn't until I attempted to roll from my stomach to my back that I realized how sore I actually was.

"That's it, I'm taking the day off.  I'll just work out tomorrow.  That is, of course, if I'm not too sore" I thought to myself.

"One day?  You could only stick with this for one day?  Seriously?  Get your ass up!  Now!  You KNOW that you will keep making excuses, if you don't get up!" my conscience replied.

I continued to argue with myself for a bit until I heard "GET UP!  I SAID I WANT BREAKFAST!  Pleeeeeaaaaase get out of bed mom-mom."  My daughter was still standing in the doorway waiting for me.  She had her hands on her hips and she was giving me this terrible look of disappointment.  THAT was all the motivation I needed.  I am, for the most part, doing this for her, and her younger brother, after all.  I immediately jumped out of bed.  I cringed at the pain, however, I managed to keep the scream bottled up.  I limped to my dresser, pulled out my workout clothes and carefully changed.  I then hobbled out to the living room to have the daily breakfast "fight" with my little girl.  "No, I'm sorry, you cannot have cookies for breakfast...or candy!"

"Well, can I have shredded cheese in a bowl?"

"For breakfast?  No, that's more of a snack."

"Fine, I'll just have a snack then!"

"No, you're not going to have a snack!  You're going to eat breakfast, now.  You can have a snack later!"

"Fine!  I'll just have toast!  WITH SUGAR!!!"

"Ahhhhh!  I HATE breakfast!"  I thought to myself.  Is there really that much of a difference between a couple pieces of toast, smeared with Country Crock and sprinkled with cinnamon sugar and an oatmeal raisin cookie?  What about a Pop Tart and a piece of cake?  Or a doughnut and...well, you get the point.  I grunted, accepted my defeat and made her some toast with sugar.  I did, however, stand strong and gave her plain milk rather than the chocolate milk she had asked for.  I'm counting that as a win for me.  Also, she had to wait until my workout was done before I turned her cartoons on.  I'll take that as another, I take what I can get.

Anyway, I firmly explained that I had made sure she had food and a drink and that if she needed ANYTHING else she had to wait until I was done working out.  I started the DVD, turned to Joss to see if there were going to be any objections, and then started my workout.

OMG, my arms were so heavy.  And my legs just burned with pain.  My arms were shaking with every pushup.  Each squat, lunge, jump and movement, in general, made me want to quit.  Just as I was getting ready to throw in the towel, Jocelyn asked if she could workout with me.  I started to say no, but changed my mind.  Again, I'M DOING THIS FOR HER!!!  I couldn't let her see me give up.  It was so cute watching her try and do the exercises.  It was also nice to share the experience with her.  I don't want the kids to hate my workouts.  I don't want my workouts to get between us.  Her encouragement and sweet smile took my pain away and got me through to the end. She is one special girl and I am one lucky mom.  Until, of course, the pain from the workout comes back, haha.

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