Thursday, December 1, 2011

30 Day Shred - Day 1

With Christmas and my 30th Birthday around the corner, I decided to start the 30 Day Shred program to try and keep me on track.  I've started this program a few times, but never made it through a full week.  I am motivated to stick with it this time, and will, hopefully, document my experience.  I have a hard time finishing anything that I start, and I'm hoping, by putting myself, my weight and measurements out there, that I will actually make it through the 30 days.

Well, I can't believe I'm doing this, but here I go...

  • Weight:  190 lbs
  • Neck:    14.5"
  • Chest:    44"
  • Waist:    37"
  • Hip:       44"
  • Thigh:    27"
  • Bicep:   15"
  • BMI:     33.65
 Clothing size:  XL-XXL or 14-16, depending on the make

A few notes on what I just posted.  At my smallest I...

  • weighed 110 lbs
  • had a BMI of 19.48
  • wore a juniors size 1-2
  • had trouble keeping my Dickies shorts on that I wore mountain biking, a size 28.
  • could, easily, wrap my fingers around my wrist and my fingers would overlap by quite a bit

My current goals...

  1. Complete my 30 Day Shred challenge, obviously.
  2. Lose 21 pounds.  I haven't seen the 160's in a long time and that would be a huge step for me.  Also, even though I do not believe in the BMI system (another post for another day), it would be nice to be overweight rather than obese by those standards.  Especially since my doctors do look at BMI.
  3. Get into single digit sizes.
Ultimate goals...

  1. Weigh 125 pounds
  2. Be happy with who I am.

Well, I know that is a lot of data, but I just really felt like it was time that I got it out there.  I need to stop hiding and be honest with myself.  I plan on doing a weekly weigh in and do monthly measurements.  Since I started on the 1st of the month, that should be easier for me to keep track of.

Oh, I almost forgot to go over the first workout.  Silly me!  Well, I did not want to get out of bed this morning and almost put off day 1 until tomorrow or next week or next month, haha.  My daughter and I were laying in bed this morning watching Wubbulous World of Dr Seuss and it just hit me...I CAN'T KEEP MAKING EXCUSES!  I will never get anywhere if I don't start moving.  I want to be a positive influence on my children.  I need to show them how to live a healthy lifestyle.  And I need to make those changes NOW while they are still young.  I got out of bed so quickly that I startled my little girl.  I changed my clothes, moved some furniture and told myself that I was going to complete the workout NO MATTER WHAT.  Well, to my surprise, the workout wasn't as hard as it was in the past.  I was hot and tired by the end of it, but I definitely didn't feel like I was going to die after 30 seconds of jumping jacks, which is a huge improvement.  It's been almost a years since I last attempted this challenge, however I've done a lot, well, a lot for me, in that time.  I've worked out at the gym, I've walked and jogged with my kids in the stroller, and I ran/jogged a 5k.  It was just really nice to see that I have made some positive changes and that my body is stronger because of it.  The 20 minute workout was over quickly and I actually thought about doing it a second time.  Its funny how we change, haha.  I'm feeling pretty good now.  I'm a little fatigued, but I've had a lot of late nights and early mornings and I'm overwhelmed with a lot of things right now, so it may not be from the workout.  I'm interested to see how I feel tomorrow.

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