Monday, December 5, 2011

30 Day Shred - Day 4

I had yet another busy day on Sunday, however, I did manage to squeeze a workout in during Gabriel's afternoon nap.

I woke up Sunday morning feeling pretty pretty good.  I was still tired because Gabe woke up really early, but I wasn't really that sore.  I tried to bring him to bed with me because I was hoping to get a bit more sleep, but he wasn't having it.  So, we headed out to the living room, instead.  I put on a movie and we snuggled up on the couch together.  It felt so good to have some alone time with my little man, since I had had such a busy weekend and didn't get to see him that much.  Unfortunately, I got a little to comfy and fell asleep.  The next thing I know, I'm waking up to a loud crash.  Gabe had gotten a hold of an empty wine glass that hubs had left out and he smashed it on the table.  Thank god it was a clean break and seemed to be contained to the small table.  Of course, the noise was loud enough to wake Jocelyn up, so she came out to see what was going on.  Gabe still had no interest in snuggling, but Joss sure came through for me.  We watched a few Christmas movies.  Well, she watched.  I kept dosing off.  We had a nice lazy morning, but things picked up after lunch.

I put Gabriel down for his nap around noon.  After Jocelyn had her lunch, I had her help me clean the living room, so that I could workout.  She, again, decided to exercise with me.  I was so excited because I had so much fun last time.  However, she got tired after a few minutes and then quite.  While I was doing my first set of crunches, she told me she was going to play a new game.  She then started to yell at me.  "Keep going!  Up down up down!"  I didn't understand what was going on, so I kinda laughed at her.  She responded with "Do you think this is funny?  Working out is NOT funny!  This is serious!  You're not working hard enough!  Move you're booty!"  I stopped for a moment and just looked at her with my mouth hanging open.  She must have seen my confusion because she quickly explained that she's being "that woman on the TV" pointing to Jillian Michaels.  Baby girl watches a lot of Biggest Loser with me, so she's seen Jillian at her best/worst.  I have to say, Joss sure kicked my ass.  As my friend, Connie said, "maybe she's got a future in personal training."

The workout, itself, was a lot easier this time around.  The things that are killing me the most are the jump roping and jumping jacks (my calves are killing me) and the push ups (I have very little upper body strength and my arms get tired really fast).

After the workout and Gabe's nap, I took the kids to my Grandma-in-law's for her annual Christmas tree decorating party.  I absolutely LOVE Grandma Wean!  She's one of the sweetest ladies I've ever met.  I was a little disappointed because 3 of the younger cousins weren't there, and Jocelyn and Gabe were really looking forward to seeing them, but we still had a lot of fun.  We got the tree and other decorations up in no time, with all the help we had, visited a bit and then had dinner together.  Dinner smelled fantastic!  Grandma made one of my favorite meals from when I ate meat...bbq pulled pork.  My mouth is watering, just thinking about it, however, the thought of eating it makes me sick to my stomach.  Weird!  I did have a wonderful salad for dinner, and that's really all I needed.  Shortly after dinner, Gabe started to get a bit cranky, so we had to pack up and leave.  We were there for a little over 4 hours, but it didn't feel like it at all.  As a gift for helping her decorate, Grandma got each family a beautiful poinsettia plant.  I enjoyed the rest of my night with the kids and we all made it to bed pretty early, which was spectacular.

Sorry, I feel like I babbled quite a bit on this one, but I just couldn't stop...I had such a GREAT weekend that I just want to share everything :0)

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